Wyniki "Lata z Lemoncraft" / 'Summer with Lemoncraft' results
Dzień dobry!
Jak Wam mija weekend Kochani?
Mamy nadzieję, że wspaniale.
A dwóm osobom z Was, umilimy go jeszcze bardziej.
Gotowi na wyniki naszego letniego cyklu "Lato z Lemoncraft"?
Good morning!
How is your weekend?
We hope it's just great.
And for two of you it'll be even better.
Are you ready for the results of 'Summer with Lemoncraft' series?
Uwaga uwaga!
Attention please!
Zwycięzcą zostaje.......
The winner is...........
Liudmila Chernoivanova
You created truly wonderful projects!!!!

Grab your winner's badge:

and please contact us about the prize :-)
Jak mówiliśmy, jest jeszcze jedna nagroda dla jednej z osób, które nie brały udziału we wszystkich czterech tematach.
A nagroda ta wędruje do.......
As we told at the beginning there's one more prize. It's for one person from those who didn't join every theme in our summer challenge.
And the prize goes to........
Please contact us about the prize :-)
Dziękujemy wszystkim uczestnikom, cudownie było oglądać wszystkie Wasze prace!!!
We'd like to say thank you to all of participants - it was pleasure to watch your projects!!!
Miłego dnia!
Have a nice day!
Congratulations girls :-D
OdpowiedzUsuńI have no words to express the emotions, that I am experiencing now!!! I'm very very happy!!! I thank the team for appreciating my work! Your paper is magical and magical works are created from it! Сongratulations Оля Lelya!! Her album is wonderful!!
Congratulations!! All of the projects were fabulous!!